Circulation Policies

Check Out Period

Books: Students and unaffiliated users may check out library items for one month; faculty, for 6 months. Patrons who need additional time may request a different due date.

Videos: One month.


Holds: If a desired title has already been checked out to another patron, the staff can recall the title if it has been out for at least two weeks. The library staff are not allowed to reveal the names of people who have checked out materials without the permission of the borrower, but they will contact the borrower on your behalf and notify you when the item has been returned.

Renewals: Materials may be renewed by phone or e-mail, as well as in person in either library.

Non-circulating: Periodicals and Reference Collection do not circulate; they must be used inside the libraries.

Library fines: The libraries do not charge overdue fees.

Non-affiliated Patrons

Use of the library by non-affiliated religious and lay researchers must be requested in writing and approved by the library director. Use may be subject to an annual fee ($50) and is limited as follows:

  • Proof of local residency, e.g, driver's license.
  • Use of the library is limited to weekday daytime work hours.
  • Materials circulate for one month and may be renewed one time.
  • A maximum of ten items may be checked out at any one time.
  • Inter-library loan services are not available.

Reserved Items

Instructors will often place books and articles on reserve for use by students in their class assignments. These items are kept on the Reserve Shelves in the Theology Library, even if the items belong in the Philosophy Library. The usual check-out period is only two hours.

Lost or Damaged Items

The library will bill any patron who loses or damages library material. Such fees are used to replace missing or damaged items. Patrons who lose an inter-library loan will be required to pay the charge determined by the lending library.