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Atla Religion Database with Atla Serials (full text)
eBook Religion Collection (EBSCOhost) (full text)
Humanities Full Text (H.W. Wilson) (full text)
New Testament Abstracts
Old Testament Abstracts
Philosophers Index with (full text)
Religion and Philosophy Collection (full text)
eBook collection (EBSCOhost) (full text)
Philosophy Documentation Center (full text)
Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers
Atla Religion Database with Atla Serials (full text)
eBook Religion Collection (EBSCOhost) (full text)
Humanities Full Text (H.W. Wilson) (full text)
New Testament Abstracts
Old Testament Abstracts
Philosophers Index with (full text)
Religion and Philosophy Collection (full text)
eBook collection (EBSCOhost) (full text)
Philosophy Documentation Center (full text)
Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers
Suggested Web-sites
Peeters Journals by Title
Religious & Theological Abstracts
Maryhill School of Theology Review
Theology and Religion Online
Zeitschrift für Theoloie und Philosophie
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (Please note that each user will be asked to create a user profile in addition to connecting from an authorized IP)